Tag Archives: tampons

Which do you Like Better, Reading or Writting?

A Groovy Kind of Love- Phil Collins

“…I’m gonna make you a mixed tape. You like Phil Collins?”-Tracey Jordan (Tracey Morgan)

“Do I have two ears and a heart?”-Jack (Alec Baldwin)

I’ve been watching 30 Rock a lot. LOL. My Japanese teacher knew I had arrived to class because she heard me laughing. Yes, I am the loudest laugher in Japan.

In Japan I feel invincible. Unusually high levels of security while walking the streets or drunk biking or even placing purse in random spots while i busy myself with something that probably isn’t worth the risk of having my purse stolen…not that it will happen anyway.

Anxiety levels are up. I blame it on the language barrier. First time buying tampons in Japan… oh god, what absorbancy level are these? Is there surprise meat in that pastry?!

Ego is at its fullest. Everyone wants to be my friend and to look at me.

Anxiety over the deflation of my ego once I return to Canada and I’m back to being the average girl again.

When you don’t have to pay for drinks you get very drunk (at bars). When there is beer and liquor at the convinience store across the street from where you work you get very drunk. When you live down the street from a place that has a liter of wine for 300 yen ($3.00) you get really drunk.

When you are 2% of the population you can say anything you want out loud in public.

When you are 2% of the population you get very bad haircuts. When you find a good hairdresser you have to pay a lot of money for a haircut because he is the only person in your prefecture that speaks English and has experience with something other than thick black hair.

Only Lindzy Humphreys would make friends with the staff at Starbucks. Seriously though, who is cooler than a guy that works at Starbucks, goes to med school, has a car, has style and, when he goes on a trip, he finds it important to mention the Starbucks’ he went to while in another city? Or a girl that has a degree in English and lived in Canada and returned home from Tokyo to work at Starbucks. Nobody (if you are doubting me, don’t forget, they are Japanese.. aha! now i have swayed you!).

Number one thing I am looking forward to having again? Pizza.

Number one thing I am gonna miss? Convinis and all they have to offer the everyday customer.

Number one thing I am not going to miss? Standing in Tampon aisles for 30 minute.

Allergies are at a high. My students know me for my constantly runny nose. I can proudly say I have blown my nose every single day since I moved to Japan. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I can also proudly say that I can sing my ABCs forwards AND backwards.

I can also tell you what I did in one day (ichi-nichi!) in Japanese. It starts with me waking up (okimasu) at nine am (kuji) every morning (mai asa). The rest is just too exciting to blog about.

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