Category Archives: Laos

Before I Forget…

Music: Toms ipod.

A little something on my memories of Laos….

After Cambodia, going into Laos was a cool down for my mind and body.  Almost coming to a complete stop, these people know how to chiiiiilllll.  After being shocked and depressed in Cambodia (note: Cambodia is actually amazing and may be my favourite country that we have visited so far, sorry that i keep saying depressing, but some things were hard to take) Laos, though sooooo close in proximity, seemed completely different to me.

Wait: for food.  Nat and I learnt to go to restaurants before you’re hungry, cause you will be waiting a loooong time.

Wait: for buses.  Don’t worry!  A girl told us in Cambodia, The buses will be late all the time, but they will come!  She was right.  I did get a little worried at the border though, when we had to wait at the side of a dirt road for half hour with no explanation from our non-English speaking driver.

Wait: Cause there is nothing to do.

Laos was cool, but you definitely do not need more than 10 days there.  Though, it is hard to fight the urge to stay longer, cause who doesn’t like relaxing?  Especially in Van Vieng.  This place is a whole other world.  As you travel South East Asia you hear rumors of this place… “Oh you have to do the tubing in Laos!”, you see t-shirts on backpackers re:tubing in Laos and you also hear about all the naughty things one can get up too in Van Vieng…. Sign me up!  (Sorry older, more mature readers…).

Basically this place is a little town with only restaurants, bars, tourist shops (selling previously mentioned t-shirts…or if you’re a real slick dude, a beater… heehee…) and internet cafes.  It banks on the coast of a beautiful blue river and is surrounded by sky high emerald mountains.  I’m surprised i remember the view so well… people easily forget to take a look around. 

If you can escape, there are some treks that tour guides will take you on, but most people get sucked into the tubing.  Yes tubing.  Down this river… how does one get sucked in???

Haha.  Goooood question.  Bars.  Yep, all along the coast of the river are bars, with bartenders (or drinker-go-getters??) waiting on the sides to toss you a rope and pull you in for a famous Laos beer or (cringe at the memory) free Laos Whisky shots.  Yes you can convince every bar tender to give you two.  Tried and tested.  (HeeEEeeey classy lady).

Furthermore, at every restaurant they are playing reruns of past Friends episodes.  Every bar, 24/7.  With out getting into too many details, Nat and I had a scandalous good time.  We also met and became instant friends with two ladies from Canada, Kristen and Laura, who we tubed with everyday and made the time there extra better.  (mmmhhmm, extra better.  HeeeEEeey Eigo no sensei!) 

Nat and i only stayed two days.  We felt a third day might be a little pathetic.  Though, England buddies did admit to staying 5 days.  I reckon we could have stayed one more day in Van Vieng and less one day in Luang Probang.  While Laos is an amazing country, there isn’t so much to see or do.  The temples are cool, but I mean… common… Japan, China, Angkor Wat… i’m pretty much a temple snob at this point. 

We exited Luang Probang a day early for fear of dying from relaxation and market shopping. 

Exit: Laos and Relaxation and chotto* boredom.  Enter: Thailand, Tom and Rich and lack of sleep.

I’d say the four of us first bonded over some grilled rats at a rest stop on the way to Thailand, but I reckon the boys will claim it was when Nat and i tried to rob them of the remainder of their kip money (Laos dollars).  Nat and i were both hungry but only had Baht (Thai money), and we also wanted souvenir money.  You know, bragging rights and all… hey check out my sweet bling from China/Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos!  (Tom, never did give me that promised Kip note…he was too busy making fun of Canadians)  I think this is where Tom and Rich fell in love with Nat and I.  (Hey, if you aren’t around to deny it, then blog speaks truth :P) 

We may have also bonded over not being fast food crazy loving Americans.  Note to Americans: It’s really stereotypical of you to go on and on and on about Burger King and Taco Bell (and know there exact location) when first meeting new people.

Alright, I’ll give props to the boys now. 

 Cool: going out to dinner with two random girls… even if ones from Canada!) 

Cool: Actually wanting to find a club where you can dance, and listen to good music and not just sit around drooling over Thai girls.  (Right lads??) 

Cool: Keeping your mouth shut when you’re teamed up with a girl who sucks at pool. 

Cool: Being super good looking sweetie pie with an amazing, sorry awesome smile.  HeeeEEEeeey England. 

Cool: Having concern over my minor hand scrapes hours after having himself fallen backwards, headfirst down a ten foot cliff.  (“Are you ok?” he asks.  “Am i ok??  Are you???”) 

Cool: Having to enunciate your words so that i can understand what the hell you’re saying on our 8 hour bus ride.  Lindzy: Sorry?? Rich: We’ll get there… we’ll get there..

We took over Chiang Mai with these guys over the next few days, though I think they had a lazy effect on us.  Suddenly we were partying all night and sleeping all day and taking hours to find a place to eat. 

We did arrange an amazing 3 day trek with them, just in time for Leahs arrival to Thailand. 

Next, ENTER:


